For those individuals who have been involved in an auto accident before, you already know the struggles of filing an auto accident claim. Of course, there are many individuals who have not yet had to face the difficulties of filing such a claim. Many people just don't realize the utter frustration of it all.
When you file an auto accident claim, your information is provided to the other individual's insurance company for investigation and approval. What many of these insurance companies then attempt to do is call the victim. If you answer that call and speak with that auto insurance company's attorney, you will likely be asked a variety of questions regarding your claim; some of which could easily be misleading. Instead of just clarifying the instance, the attorney could be building up defense for the insurance company. You see, an attorney is hired to represent the interests of his or her client - not the interests of the opposing party.
In most cases, the insurance company's attorney will likely call again. Sometimes it is to offer a settlement - one that is usually much, much lower than what you are actually entitled to - but sometimes it is to try to get more information. Worse yet, if you are not knowledgeable of the law, you may not understand the questions that are being asked.
If you retain the services of an attorney, they can even check your claim forms, prior to you sending them away, to ensure that you have filled everything out properly. Your attorney can also be forwarded any telephone calls from the insurance company so as to ensure that your rights are preserved. The point is that, if you have a knowledgeable attorney on your side to represent your best interests, you will not be taken advantage of by the insurance company.
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